Loving Touch Animal Reiki


Animals have Chakras in need of balancing too!  
Give them the gift of energy and love through Reiki therapy.


The 7 Auric Layers of the Body

The Aura is widely reported as consisting of seven layers in both humans and animals, which is known as the 7 Auric Layers of Energy. Each layer of the Aura is connected to the physical body through an energy point, or a center known as a chakra. Unresolved physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems can cause blockages and imbalance across the Aura and physical body. Reiki works to remove blockages and imbalances in the flow of energy between the different parts of the systems.

The first layer of the aura closest to the physical body is the Physical/Etheric energy body and is connected to the Root Chakra. This layer is the easiest to observe with the human eye and is typically grey or grey blue in color.
The second layer of the aura is the Emotional Energy Body representing emotional energy, both positive and negative and is connected to the Sacral Chakra. This layer radiates a rainbow of colors, with positive emotions generating bright colors and negative emotions generating darker, muddier colors.

The third layer of the aura is the Mental Energy Body which vibrates the frequency of mental development, consciousness, and cognitive process and is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra. This layer is bright yellow, which usually radiates around the head and shoulders most powerfully. Different colors may also appear from the emotional energy body if emotions are attached to thoughts.

The fourth layer of the aura is the Astral Energy Body or Bridge Layer which acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual and is connected to the Heart Chakra. This layer is strengthened by deep love connections and relationships and weakened by conflicts with the ones we love and negative emotions towards the self. Its color is a bright pink or rosy hue.

The fifth layer of the aura is the Etheric Template which reflects your personality, character, creativity, and identity encompassing all the creative energy that will eventually become physical reality and is connected to the Throat Chakra. This layer is activated by sound and vibration and is dark or cobalt blue in color.

The sixth layer of the aura is the Celestial Body where the physical and spiritual mind connect and is connected to the Third Eye Chakra. This energy body is strengthened through meditations, personal growth, reflection, and devotional practices, as individuals become more aware of their purpose and connection to all things. Imbalances are healed through unconditional love. Its color is pearly white, or it appears as light pastel colors.

The seventh layer of the aura is the Ketheric Template which is farthest away from the physical body and encompasses all the other layers and is connected to the Crown Chakra. It is bright gold in color or silvery-gold with silver threads dispersing throughout the layer to create a grid-like structure.

Feeling an Animal’s Aura

1. Stand or sit next to the animal you are working on – making sure this is an animal you are comfortable with and know.
2. Take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind of any thoughts of preconceptions. Become aware of your breathing to center your mind in the current moment.
3. When you are relaxed and centered, squint your eyes slightly so you can follow your hands.
4. Hold your hands about 8 inches away from the animal’s skin/fur.
5. Slowly allow your hands to drop closer towards the animal. Be alert to any feelings or sensations in your hands. Do you sense a compelling pull or any resistance?
6. When you feel like you have detected the edge of the aura, allow you hands to float at this level along the animal’s back. Do you notice that your hands drop suddenly closer to the animal at any point? Do you notice any difference in the energy? This may be a reflection of the weakened aura.
7. Remember this is subtle energy we are dealing with, so you may need to practice this over time before you notice or feel anything. Practice this exercise a few times and make notes of what you experience as you strengthen your abilities.

Sensing an Animal’s Aura

1. Find a safe, quiet space, making sure the animal you are going to be working on is close by.
2. Close your eyes and take serval calming breaths.
3. Clear your mind of any thoughts of preconceptions. Become aware of your breathing to center your mind in the current moment.
4. Turn your attention now to the energy surrounding the animal near you.
5. Is there a bright strong energy surrounding the animal or is the energy weak and imbalanced? Is the energy calm or agitated? Do you notice any colors?
6. Practice this exercise and make a note of what you observe. Do not worry if you do not feel at first that you can sense the energy. With practice, a calm mind, and centered energy, you will begin to become more aware of the subtle energy systems.

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